Beast and Me-Marshall Forrest-2017

Beast and I went on a mini adventure today to get him some running time in and to get me some time in the woods! We headed to Marshal Forrest first this morning! There are 2 relatively easy trails, one cool one with Braille markers along the roped trail and the other one a pretty good climb uphill toward Shorter! After doing both trails, we headed to the vet to get Beast weighed officially! He has made 54 pounds! Could make it up to 60 or so, but he is almost full grown in size! Then we had an experience that I will save for a campfire horror story! We went to Lowe’s to pick up some things I needed, but I had to go to the restroom! Dogs are allowed in the store, but I wasn’t sure about the restroom, so I slipped him in quickly! I will just say, you never want to have to sit on a toilet with a dog trapped in a very small place with you! Enough said about that!

After surviving the restroom at Lowe’s, we headed to Jackson Hill and did a few trails there! Beast loved running and flopping in all the leaves! We had a great day and the weather was beautiful! After a quick stop for lunch, we headed home! After getting a good bath for both of us, we both settled in for a nice nap before the kids got home! I love retired life!!

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