Little River Canyon May 2016
On Sunday, we packed up camp and headed for Little River Canyon! Last year, we found a place that very few people seem to know about going down into the Canyon! Either that, or it is too hard a way down, which it is! But we like the hard wayContinue Reading
Alabama Outhouse
As many of you know who take the time to read my long posts (I can’t make short posts which is why I don’t have a twitter account!) Phyllis and I roam through some amazing remote wilderness, but we rarely see any wildlife! Well, that changed this weekend as weContinue Reading
Mom and Me on the Oostanaula River
Yesterday I decided to take my mom on a trip down the Oostanaula River! We decide to do the upper stretch from Highway 225 down to Highway 156 for a total of 17 miles! We headed out in 2 cars with my dad as our drop off driver. We wentContinue Reading
Best Friends
I have told this story many times in class, but today I felt like sharing it. It exemplifies to me what friendship truly is. Almost 7 years ago I was having a very difficult time and considered giving up teaching and moving on to something else. I have never wantedContinue Reading
Being 49-Birthdays
As I sit here contemplating the end of my birthday and what it means to be 49 years old, I am amazed that my life has come to where it is today! I have always looked on life with a positive attitude, but life has not always returned that favor!Continue Reading
Canoeing the Coosawattee River 2015
As I sit here enjoying the quiet of our last morning camping, I wanted to share our canoe experience from yesterday! Due to the fact that we were flying down the Coosawattee river, there are not a lot of pictures! I have never had any doubt about how strong aContinue Reading
Dads and Step-Dads
While Phyllis and I were enjoying some great hikes, camping and our wild river ride down the Coosawattee, the kids spent most of their July with their dad! They had a great time at Dollywood and Splash Country! I realize how lucky we are every day for all the wonderfulContinue Reading
Summers End and Good People 2015
This summer is drawing to a close way faster than I would like, and while I am excited about a new school year, I am looking back on an amazing summer! One thing I have noticed as a history teacher and an avid news watcher is that a lot ofContinue Reading
West Palisades Trail, Atlanta, GA
So, last night I was flipping through my hiking book and chose a hike at the West Palisades Trail in Atlanta. It was suppose to be a mild 5 milepeaceful hike along the Chattahoochie! Didn’t turn out quite that way! We started down the wide trail at the south endContinue Reading
Etowah River August 29, 2015
There are days when it is hard to drag yourself out of bed. There are days when you have to think hard about why you are doing all the things you have to do! There are days when everything seems to be a struggle and when everything seems to goContinue Reading