The following Programs are just a few I have available for Fourth Grade along with the Standards they address. I can also create Programs for other subjects, topics and time periods. You Ask For IT! and I will try to bring it to you!


French and Indian Soldier/Frontiersman

Stamp Act Protestor

Member of the Sons of Liberty

Samuel Gray or Patrick Carr and the Boston Massacre

Sam Adams or Paul Revere and the Boston Tea Party

A Colonial Soldier

Benjamin franklin

Benedict Arnold

Patrick Henry

John Adams

Soldier at Lexington and Concord

Horatio Gates and Saratogo

Daniel Morgan and Saratoga

Alexander Hamilton and Yorktown


James Madison and the Constitution

Benjamin Franklin and the Constitution

Patrick Henry and the Bill of Rights

Constitutional Delegate and the Great Compromise and the 3/5ths Compromise-I play several different ones for this one.


Bill Baines and the Navel War in 1812

Will Henry and the Land War During the War of 1812

Francis Scott Key and the Star Spangled banner

Pierre Cruzatte and the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Samuel Worcester and the Cherokee/Trail of Tears

George Armstrong Custer and the Little Big Horn

David Crockett and the Alamo

Sam Houston and Texas Independence

A Trail Boss on the Oregon Trail

Slim Johnson, Miner 49er and the California Gold Rush


William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolitionist Movement

Henry David Thoreau and Abolition

‘Ralph Waldo Emerson and Abolition


John Brown and the Causes of the Civil War

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and the Dred Scott Case

Simon Legree and Uncle Tom’s cabin

William Sherman and the March to the Sea

U.S. Grant and the End of the Civil war

Robert E. Lee and the Southern Side of the Civil War

A Union Soldier-Any Battle or Event

A Southern Soldier-Any Battle or Event

Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address

Jefferson Davis and the Politics of War

An Andersonville POW

Henry Wirz and Andersonville


A Carpet Bagger and Reconstruction

A Share Cropper and Reconstruction

A Sheriff after Reconstruction

Samuel Tildon and the 1877 Presidential Election

Rutherford Hayes and the 1877 Presidential Election