I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! It has been another incredible year and despite the normal challenges of life, it has been a year to remember so many positive things! The biggest thing that I have noticed this year is than my definition of FAMILY has changed in ways that I never thought possible! I had always thought more of family as those that are blood related to me, but FAMILY has come to mean so much more than I imagined! Whether scattered all over the world or right here at home, family to me has come to mean all of those in my life that share this journey and hold a special place in my heart! I have people that I consider family that I only see every few years, but they don’t mean any less because I miss their physical presence! I have family that live within very short distances from me, but that I can’t for some reason seem to make connections with and put differences aside, but that doesn’t mean they are any less to me! I cannot control others, but I can know in my heart how I feel even if I can’t seem to express that to them! Finally, I have family that I see almost every day and that bring those special moments to life whether they are blood related to me or not!