Gordon Central Prom Crash Reenactment-2018

Today I returned to Gordon Central to do the bloody makeup for the Prom Crash Reenactment. I helped with the makeup many times when the activity was held at GC but I had never actually been able to watch it because I had to go back to class after doing the makeup! Today, I was able to see the whole thing! The kids did an amazing job and when it first began, it gave me chills. While I have always loved a good bloody Program as many of you know, what this activity brought to my mind were all the students I really lost over the years. For those of you that saw my Multicultural Program at the end of every term, you know that was a lot of young people who died way before their time! In my 30-year career, I lost over 25 students that I was teaching at the time of their death and the majority were from car wrecks. For several years, it was almost an annual thing and it never got easier. As I watched the Prom crash today, the names of all of those students passed through my mind. I was also able to see David Depero give a moving speech about the wreck that took one life and changed his and others for the rest of their lives! I taught David the year after the wreck and his perseverance and his laugh that I reminded him of today made me so glad for the students I almost lost and the fact that they were given a second chance. Many, like David, have had a very tough road, but they had the chance. Others didn’t.
As I watched today, there was talking and some laughter and nervous energy from the students, but I think many heard the message. I am afraid many others did not! I would ask 2 things if you read this and look through the pictures. First, I would wish that no one would use drugs or drink. I do not drink and I have never used drugs and most of you know I am still fully able to be crazy and have fun working or playing! Life is hard enough and trying to hide from it behind a haze of drugs and alcohol only make it harder. However, if you just can’t make it through the Prom and/or life without it, at least do not risk your life and others by driving. The problem with being intoxicated is that you don’t usually think you are intoxicated. Don’t let one night destroy your life and all the lives of the people that love you! Give yourself a chance to get older and smarter, hopefully!

Secondly, as you look at the pictures, try to forget this is fake. Put yourself or those you love in the place of the young people playinng the roles today. What if it were real and it were you or your loved ones? Don’t take that chance. Enjoy life, but don’t throw it away. I always asked a question in class…If today were the last day of your life would you have done everything you want to with that life? If the answer is no, and it should be, then protect that gift of life by thinking before you make a fatal decision! Have a great week and a great Prom, but stay safe!

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