Sons-March 2018

Almost 22 years ago, God gave me my first son!! The day Craig was born is a day I will remember always and the love I have for him is beyond description! The joy, and sometimes pain, I have experienced while watching him grow into an amazing young man is beyond any description! A son is such a gift from God and for many years, I never thought I would have that experience again!

Five years ago, I met Phyllis and her 2 sons, Elisha and Seth! I did not go through the same experiences with them that I did with Craig! Raising children that are not your own is an odd feeling! What role do you play? While I loved them both as I fell in love with Phyllis, I saw myself as the second string! Their dad, Jeff Moon, was a great dad and was always there for them! While I settled into that role, it is a very different role than having your own son all to yourself. In some ways it has its advantages! When you hit rough spots, you can let him handle it! In others, you always feel like a usurper taking a spot that really belongs to someone else. I was ok with that role! The day Jeff died, all that changed! He will always be their dad, but I had to step up and take that lead role! In the last year, we have had to work through a lot of pain, and I am sure that will continue, but I have fallen in love with my sons in a different way! I loved them before, but now I know they need me even more! It is a very fine line being their fatherly role model while also trying to keep their dad alive in their hearts! What I have realized is that they were and are my “real” sons in every way that matters! As they turn 13, I am sure that we will experience many joys, and definitely some pains, as they grow into young men! I am comfortable in my role as their father while also leave a space for their dad! I will be here for them and for him! He lives on in them, but in many ways, he also lives on in me as I try to show the kids what a man is and what a father is. I am not much of a poet, but for some reason I could not get the words below out of my head until I wrote them down! They are for my sons! How many people are fortunate enough to have the experience of raising great young men two times in one life! I am indeed very blessed to have 3 amazing sons to love!


I may not be their “real” dad
I could not love them more
I will never try to replace what they had
I will always help them face what life has in store

They are my sons God allowed me to find
I am so proud of them every day
They may not be able to leave the loss behind
But I will help them face the price they pay

I will never try to be the dad they lost
I will try to make him proud as he looks down
They are growing up day by day at a cost
I will show them how to be men who are honor bound

On this 13th birthday I will share my love
And try to give my sons all they deserve
I will try to teach them to be as gentle as doves
While also being tough, loyal and born to serve

I cannot change the pains of the past
As their dad watches from heaven above I want him to know
I can show them the kind of fatherly love that will last
It is with him by my side that I will teach them to grow

They are our sons every day
We will both be with them and mold them like clay
We will impact their lives in our own way
We will show them all our love in work and play

We will stand with them always
Seen and unseen
We will see them through all days 
Wonderful and mean.

Happy 13th Birthday to our Sons
Elisha and Seth Moon

Image may contain: 3 people, including Phyllis Maggard Allee, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, dog, outdoor, nature and water

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