Alabama Outhouse

As many of you know who take the time to read my long posts (I can’t make short posts which is why I don’t have a twitter account!) Phyllis and I roam through some amazing remote wilderness, but we rarely see any wildlife! Well, that changed this weekend as we saw a water moccasin, many birds, frogs, turtles, water snakes, etc., but none were more surprising than the one we came across on a short hike near our camp! As we were walking through the woods quietly so as not to startle any potential animals, I noticed a reddish color in the woods off to our left! We slowed our pace and began stalking this elusive wildlife! As we got closer, I could smell the odor from the creature we were stalking! I cut off the trail and there it was, about 20 feet away; an ALABAMA OUTHOUSE! It was very still and the reddish color was very clear, with a white ring in the middle, and a tan-ish stripe across the backside! There was some sort of hole in the center and the smell indicated that the outhouse had been very active! As you look at the pictures, they are kind of hazy like those of Bigfoot, but you have to realize that once we figured out it was the rare ALABAMA OUTHOUSE we were very careful where we stepped! We were sure it had been moving in the vicinity and we were very leery about stepping in the remains of its last position! We slipped back out to the trail and left the outhouse to roam the woods in peace! Just a reminder for safety: never approach an ALABAMA OUTHOUSE because they can leave a very unpleasant smell on your shoes which could be harmful to your social life!

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