Marcial’s Excellent Adventure-October 2016

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, outdoor, water and nature

As the next day dawned, we had planned a boys day out while Ariana, Abby and Grandma got their nails done and had a shopping day! Our goal was to show Marcial some new adventures in fishing, canoeing and kayaking! We headed to my dad’s lake early for some fishing! Marcial and Ariana had tried fishing at Mammoth Lake, but the equipment malfunctioned and the experience wasn’t all it should have been! This day would be different! After some quick lessons on push button and open faced reels, Marcial headed around the lake! Using live crickets and plugs, he went to serious work trying to catch those fish! Seth reeled in a couple for my dad, but no luck for Marcial, who was determined! After almost 2 hours, the boys were getting bored and ready to move on, so I went around the lake and told Marcial he could have one more cricket and one more shot! I had resigned myself to the fact that he would leave this adventure as I usually do when I fish; with an empty hook! This is why I don’t fish! About that time, I heard Marcial call my name and he was holding up a good sized bluegill with a huge grin on his face! Our first adventure ended in great success! Of course, the 20 pound bass he had on the hook before the bluegill got away before we could take a picture!! If you are gonna fish, you have to learn how to tell a fish story!! Goal number one completed! On to number two!!

We loaded up and headed down the road to the Rocky Mountain Project for some canoeing! Marcial was a little hesitant because he had never canoed before, but he strapped on his life jacket and loaded up with Seth as I shoved Elisha out in the kayak. After a few lessons, we paddled down the lake and through the tunnel to the second lake and then all the way to the end of that lake! Marcial got the hang of it quickly and seemed to have a great time! Of course it wouldn’t be a trip with Eisha unless he had to go to the bathroom in some way! I walked into the woods near a tree chewed by a beaver! As I turned around, Elisha was using the bathroom aimed straight at me!! Luckily, I moved faster than he did and he avoided me tossing him in the lake! After a good laugh, we headed out again! On the way back down the lake, we pulled off to the bank to wait on Elisha to catch up! While waiting, we saw an armadillo in the weeds and for the next 10 minutes or so, he put on a show! Digging, jumping around and finally climbing up the bank and heading off into the hills! It was one of the few times I have seen an armadillo that wasn’t laying on the side of the road with its legs sticking up! Not a pretty animal, but fascinating! After a break, we headed back through the tunnel and pulled to the opposite bank! I put Seth and Elisha both in the canoe and loaded Marcial in the kayak! He hesitated at first, but then worked the boat out and began to paddle! Again, he was a natural and moved out before we did! We all headed back to the boat ramp with goal two and three complete! Marcial can now fish, canoe and kayak! Of course, finding water back in Los Angeles could be a problem! They may have to head to the mountains again! An amazing day! The boys and I truly got to see Marcial in a lot of new ways! He is an amazing young man and he has a great spirit of adventure that will serve him well!

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