July 4, 2018-What it Means to Be An American

As we approach the Fourth of July, I am very worried about the state of our nation and the lack of knowledge held by most people about its history and founding, as well as the lack of knowledge about other world events. This is an attempt to rectify that for those of you who are interested. For those that aren’t, you can stop reading now and just go on living in the world you think exists.

I start with a simple premise that we have forgotten: the United States of America is the greatest country to ever exist. Now, that is my opinion, but ask yourself would we even be having an immigration debate if no one wanted to come here. Today it is so cool to bash our own country, but the rest of the world is trying to get in. What country would you give up everything for and leave your home, risk your life, risk your kids to get to other than the United States? If you can think of one, go there. If you think it exists you would definitely be happier there. So, pack your bags, head to their border and get your new life started in that country. If you don’t have one immediately, then ask yourself why? I believe it is because one doesn’t really exist, we just like to think it does because we are not PERFECT! No country is perfect and it is up to its citizens to fix the problems through the system, not by destroying the system. If you want to destroy the system in the United States, this country isn’t for you. Go to the country you think is better.

Now, up to this point, a lot of what I have written is my opinion and you can take it for what it’s worth. What I’m going to state below will be historic fact. You can look it up and believe it or not, but it is what happened whether your side believes it or not. On that note, I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am a registered independent and I vote for the best person and today I often vote for the sane policy. I do not believe any politician is truly in it for the people. They are in it for themselves and all the emotion many of you put behind any politician is a waste of your energy in life. When you blindly follow either side, you will lose because they will fail you. Whether it’s Trump or Clinton or anyone else, they are all crooked and corrupt and self-centered. Our system was set up to make them better, not perfect. It makes them better by having everyone else watch them and check their power.

I have heard so many lately throwing around the term Nazis, Hitler, fascists. Many of the people using these terms are acting far more like fascists that Donald Trump. Think about the information below and ask yourself, are you using tactics more like a fascist than Trump. Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, but if you look at his policies, agree or disagree, they are far less radical that many earlier presidents.

Will the real Hitler please stand up?

Adolf Hitler did not rise to power as a duly elected President like Donald Trump did. While in the end, you could say Hitler was given power legally, the rise to power was not a democratically, constitutionally held election. So, let’s see how the real Hitler rose to his place and destroyed so many human beings and so much of the world.

1. Hitler rose to power by leading mobs in the street and destroying the property of others. He was the street marcher who gave bread and beer to the poor so they would listen to him and fight his battles. Now, does that sound like President Trump’s path to power?

2. Hitler rose to power because he used fear and anger to generate hate for others. He threatened anyone who worked with those others and often used violence and economic boycott of businesses if they weren’t on his side to break them down. For example, threatening anyone who dared to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration. I have seen this far more from the left today than from Trump.

3. Hitler rose by demonizing anyone whose beliefs were not the same as his. For example, saying that anyone who dares to side with a baker who doesn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding based on his moral beliefs is an evil, racist, bigot. Hmmm, I don’t recall President Trump doing that.

4. Hitler rose to power as a radical socialist thug who trolled the streets with his brown shirts and terrified anyone who dared disagree. Seems to me the mask wearing radicals who destroyed Starbucks and other businesses are acting more like Hitler than Donald Trump.

5. As Hitler rose to power and began to control the newspapers and radio, they told only one side of the story. When the media becomes corrupt and only tells one side of the story, a dictator can arise. Which side do you think the media is giving support to today? Doesn’t seem like they are praising Donald Trump a great deal. Even Fox News bashing Trump quite often today.

6. Hitler rose to power when a double standard was created for the same types of acts. Such as, when it is morally wrong for a government worker to refuse to issue a gay marriage license based on her morality, but that it is acceptable for an attorney general to disobey a direct order of the President based on her moral beliefs. If one is wrong, aren’t both? Hitler created a different standard for Jews and non-Jews that allowed a moral double standard. Not sure I have seen Donald Trump do that.

7. Hitler rose to power by sending his thugs to opponents and having them shout down anyone who disagreed with them. He stopped speakers with opposing views from even sharing their ideas. Such as, any time a conservative speaker dares show up on a college campus today, they are disrupted, shouted down, or simply never allowed to speak. I haven’t seen Donald Trump shout anyone down, but I have seen many leftwing protests carry out these acts, including many college professors. One young leader of the movement described a fascist as anyone who organizes and incites people to use violence to suppress the rights of others. She was describing what she thought was President Trump, but was totally oblivious to the fact that by her own definition she and her violent followers were the ones acting like fascists.

8. Hitler rose to power by burning the Reichstag down and blaming it on the communists and then stepping in and declaring himself the savior. Seems like during the election, paid protesters were sent in to cause disruptions and violence at Trump rallies and then accusing Trump of inciting violence. Of course, they were ready to step in and save the world from Trump.

9. Hitler rose to power because everyone stopped thinking and started blindly following. Seems like way too many people are protesting today for the sake of protesting. I saw people with signs at the Supreme Court which said, “We don’t want ______ on the Supreme Court”. They then wrote in the name of President Trump’s nominee once it was made. Now that’s a well-researched and thought out protest. People have already started pouring out hate against the next Supreme Court appointee and we don’t even know who it is going to be yet.

10. Hitler rose to power because people let him. Donald Trump rose to power because people were tired of all of the demonizing and grandstanding and failure to help anyone.

11. Yes, Trump has said divisive and stupid things, but have you noticed it is very hard for him to get his own party to support him? They check is power even before the rest of the system does.

12. Almost every problem Trump has been dealing with has been around for 50 years or more. What has either party or any president done to fix those problems? Why are we still dealing with the same issues? Both parties have had a chance to fix these problems, but if they did, then why would you vote for them the next time? It is in their interest to keep the problems festering and keep you angry in order to get your vote. Trump did not start that no matter how much he has added to it.

Now, as you read this, I am sure you are preparing all of your counterarguments and attacks and nit picking. Don’t bother. Hitler rose to power because the truth stopped mattering, so it really doesn’t matter if what I have written is true or not. You will decide whether to believe it based on your own biases, so why bother to check out the facts. I personally do not think anyone should be compared to Hitler today. But, if you are going to do the comparison, be sure to look at which side of the mirror you are on. Is Donald Trump the real Hitler, or is it the face in the mirror!

What is the difference between a baker who refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding based on their moral beliefs and a fashion designer who refuses to dress Milena Trump for the inauguration based on their moral beliefs? Either both are right or both are wrong. Maybe we should stop with all the double standards and just respect each other’s differences. Why would anyone want a cake baked by someone who did not want to bake it? Why would anyone want a dress designed by anyone who didn’t want to design it? Why do we feel the need to force others to bend to our will? Respect the beliefs of others and much of our anger, hate and discontent would disappear. Maybe we have learned from the past and neither side is Hitler. Then again, maybe not? I guess that is for each and every one of us to decide.

As these words are thrown around every day, ask if it is helping anyone. The panic this week at the thought of Trump appointing another Supreme Court Justice is beyond anything I have ever seen. When you feel you are righteous and desperate, violence will be used to try to get your way. Do we really want to go down that road? Yes, Trump will appoint this justice. If you listened in government, there is NO way the Democrats can stop it. However, if you are afraid they might overturn Roe v. Wade or any other decision, you do have a recourse in our system that totally bypasses the Supreme Court. Amend the Constitution. Is it easy? No! If, however your views can convince enough people, it won’t matter if Trump appoints the entire Supreme Court. Our system can handle Trump, the radical left and the radical right as long as we use it and don’t destroy it.

So, as you celebrate the Fourth of July, relax a little! We have survived worse and there are many good things happening in the country if you use your eyes and stop listening to the radicals on both sides. We can debate all of America’s past and present flaws at another time, but again, if you find a better country, go there fast! If not, then love this one for what it is and fix the things that are wrong! Remember all of those who fought and died to give you all the benefits we have today! Yes, we are the Greatest country to ever exist! Can we be better? Yes, every day we can work to be better! That is the right and obligation of being an American!


Image may contain: cloud, sky, grass, plant, tree, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: cloud, sky, grass, plant, tree, outdoor and nature

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